AWS Cloud9: Your cool new cloud coding playground

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What is AWS Cloud9? It is your cloud-based coding playground from Amazon Web Services. Imagine a development environment accessible from any device, with a built-in code editor, debugger, and terminal, all conveniently prepped for different programming languages. That’s the magic AWS Cloud9 holds. No more local installations or complex setups – just sign in and start coding!

Features of AWS Cloud9

  • Code editor: Write, edit, and debug code in over 50 programming languages, from Python and JavaScript to C++ and Ruby.
  • Debugger: Step through your code, identify errors, and fix them with ease.
  • Terminal: Access the underlying system and manage your environment with familiar Linux commands.
  • File system: Store your code, projects, and dependencies in a secure and accessible cloud storage.
  • Collaboration features: Share your environment with teammates, work together on projects in real-time, and chat directly within the IDE.

Benefits of using AWS Cloud9

  • Ultimate flexibility: Code from anywhere, anytime, on any device with an internet connection.
  • Effortless setup: No installations or configurations are needed. Just open your browser and start coding.
  • Scalability: Choose from various instance types to match your project’s needs and budget.
  • Cost-effective: Pay only for the resources you use, making it affordable for individual developers and startups.
  • Seamless integration: Works seamlessly with other AWS services like S3, Lambda, and CodeCommit.
  • Security and compliance: Your code and data are stored securely in the AWS cloud with industry-leading security standards.

Limitations of using AWS Cloud9

  • Instance resources: Each Cloud9 environment runs on an EC2 instance, and its capabilities are limited by the chosen instance type. Choose a more powerful instance for resource-intensive tasks, but this translates to higher costs.
  • Community features: Compared to full-fledged desktop IDEs, Cloud9’s community integrations and plugin options might be more limited.
  • Offline access: Though you can download your code locally, active coding requires an internet connection. No offline editing functionality is available.
  • Storage constraints: The default file system for storing code and projects within your Cloud9 environment has a size limit. Consider transferring to S3 for larger projects.

Pricing for AWS Cloud9

Cloud9 operates on a pay-as-you-go model. You’re charged only for the resources your environment consumes, including:

  • EC2 instance: The core cost driver, varies based on the chosen instance type and running time.
  • Storage: Additional charges for exceeding the default Cloud9 environment storage or using S3 for project files.
  • AWS services: If you utilize other AWS services like Lambda or S3 within your Cloud9 environment, you’ll be billed for those resources separately.

Free Tier:

Good news! New AWS customers are eligible for the AWS Free Tier, which includes an hour of usage per month of a t2.micro EC2 instance with Cloud9. This is a great way to test the platform without incurring any charges.

Is Cloud9 right for you?

If you’re a developer who:

  • Values flexibility and mobility
  • Wants a quick and easy setup for coding projects
  • Needs a scalable and cost-effective development environment
  • Enjoys collaboration and real-time coding

Then Cloud9 is definitely worth exploring.

Getting started with AWS Cloud9

  1. Create an AWS account or sign in if you already have one.
  2. Visit the AWS Cloud9 console and click “Create environment.”
  3. Choose an instance type and configure your settings.
  4. Open your browser and start coding!


  • AWS Cloud9 offers various pricing plans to suit your needs.
  • Explore the detailed documentation and tutorials available on the AWS website.
  • Join the vibrant Cloud9 community for support and discussions.

AWS Cloud9 is more than just an IDE; it’s a gateway to a new way of coding, empowering you to build and deploy applications with ease and agility. So, take the plunge and discover the magic of coding in the cloud!
